News and Announcements

Advent is a season of waiting and expectation for Christmas – the birth of Christ, the Nativity of Our Lord. We prepare our homes and hearts for four weeks before Christmas. Advent is also the beginning of a new liturgical season – it concludes a long period of Ordinary Time and leads us into the new church year with hope and patience in preparation for Christmas.
You’re invited to join the Advent Parish Mission, Dec. 2 to 4, 2024.
Parish Penance Service is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec 11 at 7pm.

Welcome Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) at St. Peter & St. Paul, Grades 1-5
Come meet your child’s Catechist and get information about this catechetical year, 2024-2025. Please attend the CFF mandatory parent meeting via Zoom, Thurs., 9/11/24, 6:30pm.
Kindly print the attached (revised) Master Calendar as reference during the meeting.
Topic: CFF Mandatory Parent Zoom Meeting
Time: Thurs., Sept. 11, 2024, 6:30pm
Zoom link provided to your email.
May God bless you and your family most abundantly!
Thank you and we look forward to an amazing year!
Enrollment now open for Children’s Faith Formation 2024-2025!
Classes begin on the week of September 22nd.
Go to the main page for the links to register!

Dear CFF Parents:
“ A clean heart create for me, O God.”

Each Lent begins with a stirring call to repentance and a reminder of our mortality.
This year, Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, March 2nd.
Happy New Year! Welcome 2023!
And Happy Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus!!

Happy Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus! The entire month of January is devoted to the Holy Name of Jesus. The Christogram IHS is derived from the custom in Latin-speaking Christianity of denoting the first three letters of the Greek name of Jesus, ΙΗΣΟΥΣ, iota-eta-sigma, or ΙΗΣ.
St. Paul tells us that because of Jesus’ obedience to the will of the Father, “God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil 2:9-11).
Something to consider doing today—and from now on!—is avoiding taking the Lord’s name in vain in all forms. In our house we don’t say or type (right now excluded) Oh God, O My God, Jesus etc., unless it’s part of a prayer. We also avoid cutesy alternates like oh my gosh, or jeez, since, really, those are just substitutes and mean the same thing. We don’t use OMG, even ironically. It took some getting used to, but it turns out there are plenty of other ways to express myself, and I don’t even miss it.
Once we had managed that, we began saying a quick, quiet prayer of reparation whenever we hear/see someone else taking the Lord’s name in vain. I like, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Lk 23:34). That one’s especially good, since they probably don’t. Or the words of Job: “Blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). –
***For all CFF classes this week: Lesson videos on the Solemnity of Mary, The Epiphany, and the Baptism of Jesus are on the parish website***
Dear CFF Parents:

For a child is born to us, a son is given us; the royal ornament is laid upon his shoulder, and his name is proclaimed:
“Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:5
On behalf of our Pastor, Fr. Henry and the entire staff, we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!
October 2021
Hello CFF Parents,

With two weeks behind us, we’d like to thank you for a great start to CFF 2021-2022!
- CFF Reminders:
- October parent meeting will be on Thurs., Oct 14, 6:30pm – Zoom Link to Follow;
- Homework for students with Book 1, 2, & 4 – Unit 1 Review (pgs 43-44) will be due by Thurs., 10/14; send as a pdf via email;
- Sac Prep students: In-person classes for Monday will be 10/18 and Tues will be 10/19 – begin thinking about what Saint you’d like to report on; more info to follow during class;
Note: Sac Prep students only—Please call our office at (909) 980-9423 to properly excuse an absence. If the office is not called before the start of ‘in-person or live-zoom’ classes, the absence will be considered ‘unexcused’. Up to three (3) unexcused absences are allowed throughout the year; excessive absences may result in your child having to repeat the class the following year.
- Here are a few things going on at the parish that you may be interested in:
- To commemorate St. Francis’ feast day (10/4), we will have a
Blessing of the Animals on, SAT Oct 9th at 11am on the grass field;
bring your leashed or crated pets for a blessing.

- Blessing of expectant mothers at all Mass times the weekend of 10/16 – 10/17.
- See the church Bulletin for more events!
- October is packed with heavy-duty Saint feast-days in the Church.
Here are additional resources for the family from Pflaum Publishing below…
October Kid’s Calendar |
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September 2021
Dear CFF Parents,
Welcome to Children’s Faith Formation 2021-2022!

Due to the various changes, our new start date for classes will be on the week of Sept 20th.
- For Years 1 & 2 and Link to Edge – Detailed instruction on how to access the pre-recordings to follow.
- For Sac Prep – In person class will start the week of Sept 20th
- For children with Special Needs – Zoom info to follow
Thank you!
Peace and blessings!
June-August 2021
Dear Parents,
Enrollment for Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) is now open for Grades 1 through 5 in preparation for initial Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Here is the fillable pdf Registration Form. Please save/print/send as a pdf to Irma McGaughey at
Parent Orientation will be on Tuesday, August 24, 6pm. More information to follow.
Continued blessings for a nice summer break!
Aileen Gamalinda, Coordinator of Catechetical Ministry
May 17, 2021
Dear Parents,
With CFF 2020-2021 at an official close, please take a couple of minutes to complete the survey.
Your feedback will help us plan for the upcoming year. Thank you and God bless! Have a nice summer!
PS. Registrations for Fall will begin mid-June…be sure to check back for our online enrollment forms. – SURVEY CLOSED – Thank you for participating!
May 2021
Dear Parents and Catechists:

Giving thanks to the parents and catechists
& we will be discussing…

Lenten Season 2021:
Dear CFF Parents and Catechists:

As we approach the mid-point of the Lenten Season, it’s a great time to ask ourselves if we’re keeping up with our Lenten promises of increased prayer life, fasting, and almsgiving. It’s ok to veer off-track; it’s how we get back on track that matters.
Parish activities during Lent for the whole family:
- 24-hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Fridays after 7:30am Mass until Saturday, 7:45am;
- Stations of the Cross, Fridays at 7pm in the Church & Livestream;
- Parish Lenten Mission will begin on Sun, March 28th – 31st with Father Joseph Aytona—more info to follow
- Confessions are every Tues and Thurs, 5pm to 7pm thru Sign up Genius via Flocknote or by calling the parish office.
NO CLASSES for 3 weeks
- March 22 – Spring Break
- March 29 – Parish Lenten Mission w/ Father Joseph Aytona!
- April 5 – Easter Monday
We resume classes on April 12th with the last 4 remaining classes.
First Holy Communion date change – SAT., May 8, 2021,
** A separate email will follow for more info**

The parish invites you to a Novena prayer (beginning on March 11) to St. Joseph in honor of his upcoming Feast Day on Fri, March 19th.
Prayers and church events throughout the year can be found on the parish website:
Other news:
As you may have noticed, we’re back in the church to celebrate Mass and the Sacraments! Note that we continue to observe distancing and that masks are to be worn at all times for everyone 2 years of age and above. Sign up Genius is no longer required. Outdoor seating is also available at the both east and west patio areas. A small reminder to our parents – have your child(ren) cross his/her arms across their chest to receive a blessing from the priest or minister if they have not yet received their First Holy Communion❤
We are in the last leg of this year of formation…continue to fight the good fight…keep up the good work!
Hello CFF Parents and Catechists,
Welcome to March! Classes resume today, March 1st.
In yesterday’s Gospel reading, God gives us a directive…

~ source:
Here are some ideas to engage the family in the season of Lent. Planning ahead and putting it on your calendar helps to be very intentional❤
- Continue with the weekly prayer intentions & God talks throughout the day;
- Prayer rituals: Morning offering (below) & nightly prayers;
- Stations of the Cross every Friday at the church (or livestream) at 7pm;
- Adoration-24 hours, every Friday after 7:30 morning Mass until Sat., 7:45am Benediction;
- Movie nights from;
- Parent Meeting via Zoom on Thurs., March 18, 7pm. Zoom link to follow.

Feel free to contact me or Irma with any questions or concerns. Have a beautiful week!
Dear CFF Parents,
We are now able to celebrate Sacraments in the Church at 25% capacity, which allows us 220 people per Mass.
Sign-ups are no longer required, and outdoor seating is also available should you prefer. These latest directives come just in-time for the Lenten Season, which begins with Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021.

- Below is the Ash Wednesday schedule all in the Church:
7:30am Mass, 9:00am Mass, 12 noon
2:00pm Mass, 5:00pm Mass (Spanish), 7:00pm Mass
- Stations of the Cross will begin on Friday, 2/19/21 at 7pm.
- 24-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will resume every Friday, also starting on Friday, 2/19/21 after the 7:30am Mass.
- Confessions will continue to be every Tues and Thurs, 5pm to 7pm via Sign-up Genius.
Lenten activities were emailed to you.
Prayers for a grace-filled Lenten season marked with increased prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Welcome February!
************February 2, 2021************
Presentation of the Lord – Candlemas

The Presentation of the Lord, 40 days after Christmas, commemorates Jesus’ first entry into the temple and celebrates the Virgin Mary’s purification (Luke 2:21-38). Who are in this scene? Here, Mary presents Jesus in the temple. Simeon and Anna recognize the infant Jesus as the Messiah. And St. Joseph offers a sacrifice, two turtledoves (or two pigeons). In Leviticus 12:8 the normal sacrifice involved a lamb; thus, a dove or pigeon offering tells of Joseph and Mary’s “humble state.”
From Magnificat, Jennifer Hubbard offers this reflection on this feast day…

CFF Reminders
- No classes the week of Feb. 8 (Lincoln’s Day), Feb. 15 (President’s day), and Feb. 22 (Parish mission)
- Virtus Lessons (pre-recorded in the month of November)—Please email Irma to confirm that your child has viewed the lessons, as this is mandated by our diocese. The lesson and opt-our form can be emailed upon request.
- This is an opportune to time to reestablish prayer routines and God talks in your domestic church.
- Any questions with eAssessments? This is a key tool in determining your child’s comprehension of the material. All classes grades 1-5 (except the Sac Prep/Special needs’ classes) can find eAssessments in the digital platform
- Dive into the Lenten Season, beginning with Ash Wednesday on Feb. 17th. A treasury of resources for Sunday Mass adapted for children can be found on our parish website at
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Join us in prayer as our SAC Prep class will be receiving their First Reconciliation. Parents are invited and encouraged to also go to Confession. If you were not able to reserve a spot, no worries—another date is being determined. You will be informed of the additional date asap.
Also, Pope Francis proclaims this year as a “Year of St. Joseph.” Stay tuned to the various ways that the parish will be honoring him and invoking his intercession.

Today, Jan 4th, we celebrate the feast day of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, born 8/28/1774. She is the first native-born American to become a Saint. She is the Patron of widows (as her husband passed away when she was only 29—leaving behind their 5 children) and also the patron of Catholic education (–she had founded the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph to educate the poor and orphans). Another fun fact: she is a convert to the faith when she had encountered it while on holiday in Italy. Inspiring, to say the least! Looking forward towards an amazing semester!
December 24, 2040 O’ Come O’ Come Emmanuel…

Wishing you and your family a grace-filled Christmas and a joyous New Year!
November 29, 2020 – December 20, 2020

Dearest CFF Families,
Today, Dec 8th, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Concepcion

What is the Immaculate Concepcion?
For many years I thought the “Immaculate Conception” referred to the Virgin Mary conceiving Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. But, in actuality, this Solemn feast day refers to Mary’s conception in the womb of her mother, St. Anne. In 1854, Pope Pius IX proclaimed this Catholic teaching, aka, Dogma: “The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin.”
This day is a Holy Day of obligation— you may watch livestream or the recording of Masses on St. Peter & St. Paul’s FB page or other Masses throughout the entire world in celebration of this day. From today’s morning prayer, “You are all-beautiful, my beloved, and there is no blemish in you. (Sg 4:7)
News and Announcements
- Thank you to all the parents that attended the Dec 3 parent meeting. The faith-sharing and participation among the community is truly a gift of the Holy Spirit and is most inspiring. For those that were not able to attend, you may view the recording on the parish website in the Lesson Plan section. Save the date for the next parent meeting, Thurs., Jan 14, 7pm.
- We have classes next week (the week of Dec 14th), then will be off for the two following to celebrate the Christmas Season and the New Year!
- Sac Prep, 3rd year students – stay tuned for an email next week regarding ‘Everything you need to know for the Sacrament of Reconciliation’
- Participate in the Advent challenge—Post your pic of the Advent candles/wreath onto your Facebook page with this hashtag: #StpStpAdvent
Continue to enjoy the beauty of this Advent Season.
Dear CFF Families,
Wishing you all a…

News and Reminders
- Join Zoom Meeting – CFF Parent Meeting, THURS, Dec 3 at 7pm
Meeting ID: 865 7116 6990
Passcode: 676063
- Reminder: Please email Irma your confirmation that your child has viewed the Virtus lesson (pre-recorded on the Parish website, Nov. 2nd).
- Advent Activities for the Whole Family (from Look to Him and be Radiant) Click on the link for activities and pintables to help prepare our hearts for the Advent Season.
- Advent Children’s Calendar (attached) provided by Anita Marquez from Loyola Press. It has links to other resources for the family!
Note: No class next week (Nov 30th); instead access the Advent Activities and Calendar, AND attend the parent meeting 12/3/2020, 7pm. |
October 17, 2020
Dear CFF Parents,
I hope these past few weeks have served as a time to acclimate to the lesson plans, textbook, and family catechesis as a whole before introducing the digital platform. User names and passwords will be emailed this coming week. Additional resources will be readily available in addition to the chapter reviews to ensure comprehension of the learning objectives for each chapter. And of course, all these materials only supplement the daily faith-sharing/God-talks, weekly prayer intentions, and Mass-on-the grass (or virtual). Family conversations on the Sunday readings are one of the most fruitful ways to deepen the faith of the domestic church.
News and Announcements
- Resources:
- Catholic Prayer Cards – Compliments of Look to Him and be Radiant - Sunday’s Children’s Liturgy
- The story of Halloween
2) Trunk or Treat, Sat, OCT 31 6:30pm-8:00pm

- 3) The Catholic Moms Summit, NOV 13-15, 2020

Sept. 25, 2020
Last Sunday, the church celebrated Catechetical Sunday…all catechists—including and most especially, PARENTS, were blessed and commissioned as the first catechists of the faith to their child(ren). For a 3-minute retreat, see my newsletter on the parish website…
Next week on Sept 29th, is the Feast of the Archangels, Michael, Rafael, and Gabriel; they are the only Archangels mentioned in Scripture by name. If you notice, we recite the Prayer to St. Michael at the end of each Mass.
Let us continue to ask for their intercession and protection in our daily lives.

Photo Credit:
Sept. 16, 2020

Each year, the Catholic Church in the United States designates the third Sunday in September as “Catechetical Sunday”— a day on which to celebrate and pray for the Church’s mission to teach the Gospel to all people.
This year’s theme is “I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you.” 1 Cor 11:23 And so, at each Mass this Sunday at St. Peter & St. Paul, Catechists and parents will receive a special blessing. Yes, parents! With the virtual platform in which religious education will be conducted this year you, parents, are the first catechists of your child(ren).

Sept 10, 2020
Hello CFF Parents,
The Church is blessed to celebrate two Marian Feast days this week…on September 8th was the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin (Happy Birthday Mama Mary!) and on Saturday (9/12) we celebrate her Most Holy Name.

Together, let’s invoke her intercession for each and every domestic church of our parish community as we begin classes next week.
News and Announcements
- Additional dates to pick up your child’s textbook: MON (9/14) or WED (9/16) between 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
- Resources attached: 1) Easy to follow – Order of the Mass 2) Parenting Rituals
- Reminder to sign up on Flocknote to stay connected to the parish,
- Special Needs and Sac Prep classes will each receive a separate email with Zoom link for live-class on Monday (9/14)
- Virtual access is delayed; we are awaiting more information from our publisher. Please be mindful to stay on track by using the Master Calendar and the Syllabus (attached)
- Gospel talk at home this Sunday:
- September project: We would like to adorn our office with a picture of your family Altar. If you’d like to participate in emailing me a pic—that would be terrific!
See email dated 9/11/2020 for attachments and specific instructions on how to access lesson plans…
We look forward to this year in faith formation!
Please contact Aileen Gamalinda for more information.